The Message on an Odd Day - tuesday 2003-03-11 0433 last modified 2006-01-28 2348
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I've raved about my favorite translation/paraphrase of the Bible before, but I was extremely psyched today to find the full text online at the Bible Gateway. Ah yeah! I mean, I'll buy the full copy eventually, seeing as I already own the New Testament and Psalms and Proverbs, which was all that was out when I bought it, but I'm also going to slowly squirrel it away in electronic form (the original NIV in XML project from this summer was destroyed with the death of my Vaio - foolish me didn't back up that rather important directory). Having a searchable Bible available to you locally is really, really useful.

Actually, because I like it so much: if you want a copy, I'll buy one for you. Just ask. The only condition is that you have to be serious about reading it (and probably that you live in this country, but I haven't checked).

I woke up at 5 today to go to prayer at my church, at long last. It's the fifth day in a row I've tried, and I was glad to finally make it this first time.

Now today was a very strange day. Very strange, but very good. Peace, hope, freedom, and joy. The seminary bug is biting again. I have no idea what I'd do afterwards, but it's there.

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