Project Philippians - thursday 2003-05-01 0436 last modified 2003-05-01 0436
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The summer of my freshman year, I worked as an IT intern at a large corporation and was promptly forgotten. To pass the time, I started to memorize the book of Philippians. Unfortunately, I was rediscovered somewhere around the end of the first chapter, and my attempt was shelved.

Behold the reawakening of Project Philippians. This time, to confuse myself further, I'm using the NASB instead of the NIV. This time, there's no IT manager to stop me, only my own laziness. Join me if you will, or come quiz me if you'd like, I carry my pocket NASB almost everywhere (which would be why I'm memorizing in that version).

On a totally different note, I'm sore. Roller hockey Sunday, kung fu Monday after not going for two weeks, and kung fu today. My sifu (sipo?) is starting to work me harder, which is welcome, but not the most physically pleasant thing.

Mental and physical training. What fun. I'm sure there's an interesting parallel to be drawn there, but the physical training is telling me to sleep.

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