Unclever Matrix-ish Entry Title - saturday 2003-05-17 0028 last modified 2006-01-29 0354
Categories: Film
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The popular press seems to be coming to a concensus that the newest film in the Matrix line is nothing but a flashy action flick. Sugary, but altogether malnutritious. I seem to have neglected to record my prediction of this exact same sentiment, but somebody out there (Troy?) can at least verify I said so before the lukewarm reviews started pouring out (not like that matters; iconoclasm is overrated).

Despite my general lack of enthusiasm for seeing the movie (as of today, no plans to watch it), especially dampened after watching the trailer and its incredibly terrible Brawl scene, I somehow snagged the Revolutions trailer. Why does everybody have to speak in a monotone? I think that's because of Keanu Reeve's inability to act, not his brilliance - the rest of the actors shouldn't be imitating him.

I guess I'm mildly disappointed, The Matrix could generate conversations about something more than general action. I doubt Reloaded will get beyond whatever I just wrote. Revolutions isn't going to come anywhere near redeeming the general failure of the Wachowski brothers. Remember this for your next venture: you're supposed to tell a story.


No thanks to B...

No thanks to Brian, I ended up seeing the movie the day after I wrote this.

I was entertained, most of the time, but things just kept dragging me out of the experience. Too many computerized scenes were tried before they were really possible. I think computer graphics are slowly beginning to spoil visual effects teams, much like the exploding lobby scene in the first film. You'll have to see parts of the brawl and freeway fights to know, but you'll notice.

So Reloaded was sometimes entertaining on a kung fu level, but plot and character wise it was a drag. I don't really care what happens in the next movie. A middle story shouldn't ever do that. On the other hand, I want to see The Phoenix emerge in X3...

Ryan Lee on May 18, 2003 07:07 AM

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