monday 2002-05-13 1256 last modified 2002-08-05 2238
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I had a major blitz of senior banquets this past weekend, one for ICF/CBF/BUFF, one for New House 4. It makes me reflective, which is actually about all I can do while I feel nauseated. I have no idea where it came from, although I bet it has something to do with the fact that I'm sleeping so much. I guess I'm sick. I don't think it's psychosomatic, but then, I haven't a clue what it is.

I think I poured out all my reflectiveness into something else already, though. Maybe I'll post that later. I'm all reflected out, so I guess I'll go get some work done for the first time after this weekend.

Oh yeah, props to Cross Products. You guys sang because of and for God, and it was obviously so. I'm sorry to see this year's group come to its natural end. You made a beautiful team. Take heart that you've touched lives through your worship. You'll meet one great day to worship together again in song. Many thanks. I should probably fill out a comment form or something since not all of you wend your way to my journal...

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