sunday 2002-05-19 0306 last modified 2002-05-19 0306
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Today was an amazingly long day. I missed CBF end of term sharing night because of this weird sleeping sickness thing I seem to have contracted (when I woke up at 4 this morning, I'd been asleep for 20 of the last 26 hours). I haven't taken a nap all day, but I'm going to be unconscious when I hit my pillow.

I did some reading for my sole final on Thursday. It's mildly sad to me that I even have a final this term, but oh well. It's supposedly pretty brief, and all I really need to do is review (or read) our readings and look over my lecture notes and whatever. Which is why I spent time with Kawika blowing away vampires. Then we went to eat sushi with Brian. Then we came back and played Puzzle Fighter.

I think the only reason I'm not dead right now is the green tea. That and my CD's finally came (Rebecca St. James' Worship God, and a reminder of the past, Deliriou5?' Mezzamorphis). I need new music periodically or I just get plain bored with whatever's on my playlist. They're both worship CD's, wish is unusual for me, because I usually find the quality of music on worship CD's drastically substandard to any other album. But RSJ and Deliriou5? don't go the normal route with their worship. so even while St. James covers lots of today's popular worship music, it comes out sounding fresh.

I can't believe I wrote something coherent in my current state. I guess I'll check back tomorrow to make sure I made sense.

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