Trip Itinerary - sunday 2004-03-21 0501 last modified 2004-03-21 0501
Categories: Daily Grind
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Next Friday I depart for Britain for a week for a business trip. I was originally going to hang out with a friend in London for the weekend, but she's returned to the States, so I'm trying to figure out what to do with my free time. I was considering going to Paris instead of hanging out in London since I've never been to continental Europe.



Revising itine...

Revising itinerary to insane: The Paris thing definitely sounds attractive now that I know it's at least possible in my time frame. My layover on the return trip is in NYC, I'm thinking of ditching the flight home and staying there for the rest of the weekend, then taking the bus back to Boston some time on Sunday.

Ryan Lee on March 22, 2004 12:29 AM

no idea

but I hear London is the kind of place that you COULD spend a week in. :)

christine lieu on March 23, 2004 12:49 AM

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