friday 2002-06-21 0422 last modified 2002-06-21 0428
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St. Augustine is so quotable. In Book VIII of his Confessions, Augustine finally obeys his calling to the Church over his struggles with lust and the desire to be married. As he wrestles with himself to this decision, he writes of his soul: "only its [the soul's] will for one or the other course is not total and complete, and consequently it is torn apart and heavily distressed as truth puts one way first and habit will not allow the other way to be abandoned." (Chapter 10) With the same sharpness of insight he goes on to describe a picture of Continence (or abstinence in modern language) trying to describe the fitness of the right choice, that he should "Stop your ears against those unclean members of yours, so that they may be mortified. They tell you of delights, but not of such delights as the law of the Lord your God tells." (Chapter 11) We contantly settle for too little in the happiness department, listening to "unclean members" and ignoring the delights of God.

I'm going to get really random and talk about how I lifted on Tuesday, and how incredibly sore I am, and how nice it feels. I've lost a good amount of weight off my bench press, but it's good to start again, and I finally have someone to lift with. Yes Kawika! We were going to lift again today, but I think we pushed it a little too hard last time, so we'll try again Monday.

But tonight I went ahead and tripled my cholesterol level with lobster. $6 1lb lobsters, call on Yankee Lobster Fish Market at (617) 345-9799 for a good meal. See what happens when I don't update for a long time? It doesn't make any sense! Oh well. Oh yes, I get to see Cze in about 16 hours, having not seen her in two weeks because she's back in LA. It's only for an hour since I'm taking off for Toronto for my cousin Mandy's wedding not too long after she lands. We've spent far more time apart than we have together since we started this dating deal. Hopefully we can change that after this weekend. Well, those last sentences weren't so out there. I think I'll go pack and then sleep to knock another 6 or 8 hours off that wait time. More about the wedding of Fei and Mandy, and what a cool cousin Mandy is, when I return.

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