thursday 1999-04-29 0700 last modified 2002-04-28 0422
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Maybe I should add in a progress monitor for my Bible-in-a-year deal.  Anyway, I am definitely lacking in sleep.  Tomorrow afternoon and evening will be occupied by frequent naps.

I think when I'm not feeling up to things the journal lags.  Which is no good, I think this would be helpful during those times when I'm feeling down.  So that was the past two days, for no-good reasons.  They were frustrating, I felt defeated, down, and out of it, and probably worried or peeved some people to boot.  And it's not fair that all this stuff keeps me from talking to the people who would listen best.

Not too much of interest happened lately, I just really hate that feeling of non-control.  It's like the obvious precursors to disaster, but it's all unavoidable.  Maybe that's it, it's just mental psych-outs.  Maybe that's why all my arrows hit around the bullseye but not in it.  Anyway, sleep.

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