thursday 2002-10-10 0130 last modified 2002-10-10 0130
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Today was very productive; I'd refrain from fixing my laptop if I didn't need it at meetings. Perhaps it's the bare ugliness of my workplace workstation (a Red Hat 7.2 machine with very little going for it), but I did a good deal of work after getting in at 3:00 (more laptop triage and wound dressing, to no avail).

I have more to write, but I'm a little tired after a good six hour run of work. Time for a break...


don't go burni...

don't go burning yourself out in your first weeks of work there... six hours. wow.

Matt Libby on October 11, 2002 03:13 PM

Sarcasm apprec...

Sarcasm appreciated, however, you missed the evening and morning I spent trying to fix the laptop. Working six hours straight after that failed ordeal sounded pretty good to me at the time... Of course, I defer to the consultant who is living away from home; I guess that could technically mean you work for six months (or so) straight.

Ryan Lee on October 11, 2002 03:40 PM

[grunts and poun...

[grunts and pounds chest in victory]

Matt Libby on October 13, 2002 03:34 AM

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