monday 1999-07-26 0430 last modified 2002-04-28 0437
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The new computer's up and running.  It's been too long, but boy do I need this.  I wonder how much stuff has gone through my head that didn't get written down.  It's a shame, really.  I think there was some good stuff back there.

In terms of my job, it still sucks.  This woman wants me to research database connectivity - for what?  She has no databases, she still refers to SQL as "sequel," and she hasn't even mentioned which server software she wants to use.  Oh well, I'm getting money and I'm learning on my own.

I think this can be chalked up to a loss because of the sins on my own part.  There must have been a reason in my internship, but it's been lost on me, of my own fault.  I've been reading a little more, and I'm getting some differing perspectives on this.  It's good brain workout, I only hope I'm picking out what's right.

The walk's developing.  Quiet times are easy to come by at work, I'm just a little passive in taking up on them.  But as a whole this summer has been God showing me how to not rely on me.  The other half is just as vital, though, being able to cast trust onto Him.  Tis a shame so many weeks lost, but maybe I can catch up a little.

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