thursday 2002-11-14 0652 last modified 2002-11-14 0659
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I think the chimes (Pythagoras) in the Kendall T have broken down again, at least on the outbound side. At one point it was barely making any sound. Tonight, some poor underclassmen tried for all of ten minutes to get it to work, but she only managed one sad, solitary note. Time for Mr. Paul Matisse to come back and play with his art. If he's still around the area. I hope he is. His work lifts Kendall from depressing to entertaining, whether it be someone discovering the joy of the chimes, blatantly failing to make any chimes sound, or a master chime player.

Speaking of which, I think one of my new projects will be called Player. There needs to be a good open source music composer (and MIDI player of the music composed). More Java fun which I probably won't finish, but I'd like to do. It needs an XML DTD too, so people can do fun things like write other software to read the music, maybe in Java applets for displaying/playing or repurpose music files into SVG for quick display, or other things I'm too tired to think of right now.

I've been playing catch up at work and not wanting to hang out on my computer too much afterwords, so apologies for any readers who've read the last entry five times or so. Maybe I'll journal about work during lunch break... That seems kind of dull... I'll figure out something for better frequency...

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