Ode to Smonica - monday 2002-03-18 0923 last modified 2006-01-28 2330
Categories: Writing, People
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The things I do when I'm up late at night.

There once was a girl renamed Sleepy;
This girl slept so much, it was creepy!
She slept all the day
'Neath covers that weigh
A ton, like a tan, oversize canopy.

Our friend keeps her hours so odd;
This isn't a path she's not trod:
There came one long night
Where she was to write
A paper whose subject I laud.

You see, my dear reader, she said:
"It's late, I must nap in my bed -
This paper - YOU write
Since YOU'RE up tonight!"
And left hoping her mind would be read.

Of course I'm no strange psychic freak -
I'm lost on which topic to speak.
Instead of her paper,
I think I'll write meter,
And laugh when she wakes up and *squeeks*.

Mostly brought to you by the antics of smonica.

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