Sermon Notes, Pentecostal Tabernacle - sunday 2003-03-09 1808 last modified 2003-07-20 0157
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Continuing in Pastor Brian Greene's series in Esther, Everybody is a Star. Today's message was based on Esther 2:15-17, The Power of Partnership.

A little more about Esther (or "star") since she first shows up in this chapter. She's adopted by her cousin Mordecai (def.: "dedicated to Mars"), someone who counsels her such that she listens to him even when she's under someone else's care. Her name in Hebrew was originally Hadassah (def.: "myrtle").

The myrtle tree is an evergreen shrubbery. It grows both flowers and fruit. The flowers were used in the temple during the Feast of Tabernacles not only to beautify the area but to fill it with the aroma of the flowers. The fruit is really only palatable to a certain culture. We should strive to be always full of life, bringing the aroma of Christ to all situations, and bearing fruit that will help sustain others.

As the king goes on his conquest to find a new queen, Esther is placed in the harem under the watch of the king's eunuch Hegai (no known definition). She finds favor in Hegai's eyes and he tells her what to do to find favor in the king's eyes. As a eunuch (def.: Greek, guardian of the bed) guarding his king's interests, his desire to help Esther can only come from pure motives (after all, he can't have her). He invests his resources in her and thoughtfully considers how he can help her. He partners with her for her success.

We need partnerships like that to find grace and favor. It never happens on our own. We need to be Hegai to others and we need Hegai's in our life if we're to be stars.

So, who am I partnering with, who am I supporting, and who's supporting me...

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