Non-Sermon Notes - sunday 2003-03-30 2311 last modified 2003-03-30 2313
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Pastor Jonathan Del Turco, our pastor's pastor, and his wife gave a series of talks on family life over the weekend. While this isn't completely irrelevant to me, I didn't manage to take any notes, so there are no notes to post. I will observe that Pastor Brian seems to have learned a couple things about public speaking from Pastor Jonathan. Anyways, some snippets of things remembered.

"Nothing is too dead for God to resurrect." (Pastor Jonathan)

"This stuff about marriage isn't just about marriage - it's about all your friendships. You can't be a good spouse anyways if you can't be a good friend. Be kind, be proactive." (Pastor Brian)

"'I am a different person today.' I got all depressed later the day I said that, because I didn't feel any different. But I am." (Pastor Brian) One thing that stands out to me about Pentecostal Tabernacle (and Pastor Jonathan's church, I guess) is this message of change. In God, it's never too late to do what He wants, it's never too late to be the person He and you always wanted you to be. Not only that, change and growth are hallmarks of a Christ-centered life.

They had a wedding rededication ceremony during service, though. It was cute. Couples together from eight months to forty-six years restating their vows. Insert collective 'aw' from audience here.

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