Movie Background Music - saturday 2003-04-19 0545 last modified 2003-07-20 0149
Categories: Film
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That tango piece in Scent of a Woman (and True Lies and Schindler's List) is Por Una Cabeza. I guess it's a distinctive enough sound for people to post that little piece of information on the web repeatedly.

Now I'd just like to know what the song is in the background of this pseudo-trailer. It was popular enough for them to make a dance mix of it not too long ago, but I never did pick up on the name of the piece. It gets used for all the dark, gothic, high-powered movies, at least as stand-in filler before a real soundtrack is composed. Anyone?


it's part of Car...
it's part of Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff.

yep, it's a very popular tune that gets used for all kinds of stuff, especially movie trailers. one of my fraternity brothers used it for a project in some video class @ MIT: he made a video of our IM hockey team, set to this music. in the quiet, tension-building parts at the beginning, guys were putting on their equipment; then he had shots of nasty-looking checks timed to the big percussive beats in the loud middle section; and for the bells-ringing/trumpets-playing exultant part at the end, he showed folks celebrating at the end of the game. it was pretty well-made, and pretty hilarious.

Matt Libby on April 19, 2003 07:43 PM

Ah, at long la...

Ah, at long last the mystery is solved. For some reason I thought it was attached to Bram Stoker's Dracula, which tripped up most of my searching.

Thanks for the info! It's nice to have friends who know classical music. Heck, it's nice to have friends.

Ryan Lee on April 25, 2003 06:43 AM

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