Qualifications - monday 2002-05-06 1909 last modified 2006-01-29 0323
Categories: Current Events
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Sometimes I wish I had news sources better than cnn.com to look to. A little bit about Warren Buffet first. As I understand it, he's an investment genius who made it popular for the common man to try his luck on the U.S. stock exchanges. He's wealthy and influential. However, he is not a nuclear proliferation expert, although someone at CNN (and the Associated Press) seems to think his opinion on the matter is actually worth something (original CNN link dead).

This is why we have so much misinformation in our news. People with no business whatsoever commenting on the world's nuclear arms state shouldn't be allowed to hold entire press conferences (at an investor's meeting!) just to talk about their whim of the moment. Why would anyone care about an investor's opinion of how the world views the U.S. - and subsequently wants to cause nuclear winter in our cities? Why interview an author of fiction (Tom Clancy) about the causes and ramifications of 9-11? His fictitious books have China, India, and the Middle East in his own 'axis of evil,' where the Middle East despot happens to get his comeuppance at the hands of a laser-guided missile. What would he know about solving these issues when the issues are solved by political assassination in his stories?

This isn't question of whether he's right, but whether he's qualified. For the sake of the readers, leave the commentary to the experts, not the big names.

Oh, and check out this old entry and its new comment. It's pretty funny.

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