Blog Campaign as Boring as Real Campaign - friday 2003-07-18 0347 last modified 2006-01-28 2339
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When I heard Democratic presidential candidate front-runner Howard Dean would be guest blogging for Lawrence Lessig, I was hoping he'd say something interesting. People have raised some worthwhile points in the discussion section of Lessig's fora, and it would be refreshing to hear candid responses to those issues.

But there aren't any. He's as boring and uninspired in a blog as I'd expect him to be at a town hall meeting, and half the posts come from his staffers (if not all of them). What did I expect? Perhaps a personal feel to these people we "elect" to power is too much to ask.

The whole guest-blogging episode seems a little sleazy anyways. Dean's campaign already has its own blog. I wonder what Lessig thinks of Dean's performance.


...this week...

...this week instead was a chance to expand the places a candidate visits in a campaign for public office. It is better than a house, better than a town hall, better than anything on TV.

-- Lessig

For this little guest blogging trick, Lessig is getting booted out of That was worth it? I wouldn't think so. I highly respect the man's efforts, but not this latest move.

Ryan Lee on July 22, 2003 05:04 AM

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