I Hate Windows - wednesday 2003-08-06 0621 last modified 2003-08-06 0621
Categories: Nerdy
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Somehow it got itself infected with a virus that logged keystrokes. I had to go change all my passwords after I figured out something was amiss. I can't even tell when it started, though I don't think it started until this afternoon.

Who is responsible for writing such crappy operating systems?


Do you have anti...

Do you have anti virus software installed on your system? We have Norton AntiVirus. It helps.

eunice lee on August 07, 2003 08:52 PM

I'm spending m...

I'm spending most of my time in Linux now. No anti-virus software written or necessary. There is anti-virus software in the Windows portion, but I'm not sure it did any good. I don't use IE or Outlook or fileshare, so I don't know how I got infected anyways.

Ryan Lee on August 08, 2003 11:46 PM

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