I Hate Windows - wednesday 2003-08-06 0621 | last modified 2003-08-06 0621 |
Categories: Nerdy | |
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Somehow it got itself infected with a virus that logged keystrokes. I had to go change all my passwords after I figured out something was amiss. I can't even tell when it started, though I don't think it started until this afternoon. Who is responsible for writing such crappy operating systems? |
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Do you have anti...
Do you have anti virus software installed on your system? We have Norton AntiVirus. It helps.
eunice lee on August 07, 2003 08:52 PM
I'm spending m...
I'm spending most of my time in Linux now. No anti-virus software written or necessary. There is anti-virus software in the Windows portion, but I'm not sure it did any good. I don't use IE or Outlook or fileshare, so I don't know how I got infected anyways.
Ryan Lee on August 08, 2003 11:46 PM
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