On Domain-Specific Addresses - friday 2005-12-09 2153 last modified 2005-12-09 2233
Categories: Nerdy
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One quick addendum to my spam statistics notes. I usually register on websites with a relatively disposable address based on the domain. If I start getting spam at the address, I can just throw it away. As good an idea as this is, I don't normally pay attention to how I'm being reached, so I haven't really noticed whether it works.

It doesn't really. Either I'm trusting only the right types of people so far - probably because I almost never register - or the fear of having your email address sold is less real these days.

It has helped in one case. Of all the temporary addresses I've created, this one has attracted about forty pieces of spam.

World Vision.


I'm going to change the address I've registered with them and see what happens. A quick search on Google shows that it's probably not out there in the wild. So something is amiss.

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