sunday 2002-07-28 1736 last modified 2002-12-13 0616
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Give me your hand
To hold
Cause I can't stand to love alone
And love alone is not enough
To hold us up we've got to touch your robe
So swing your robe down low
-- Caedmon's Call, Love Alone

Love is not enough if it lacks power. Power is not enough if it lacks justice. Justice is not enough if it lacks love. God is perfect in all three. He's more than enough. The cross is the meeting of the three in one person so that we might know them through Him. God's power in His life, His justice on His death, His love in His return.

There are more dimensions and characteristics to ascribe to God, but I want to "touch His robe," (see Matthew 9:18-22, Mark 5:21-34, Luke 8:43-48 for background) to know of His love and be touched by His power. I can't reach up all that way, so it rests on God to "swing His robe down low."

I know that sounds esoteric, but I don't think I can make it any more concrete than that; I just want to touch His robe. Not for healing, not for a firmer faith - just a touch. Maybe I don't quite know what I'm asking for or what it entails...but here I am...

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