File Transfer into Virtual PC Linux - saturday 2006-09-30 0617 last modified 2006-10-01 0704
Categories: Nerdy, Linux
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Virtual PC doesn't play all that well with Linux; unlike the Windows OS's where you're allowed to share folders between the host OS and the virtual OS, there are no real facilities for transferring data between the two. You have to fake it. To transfer files into the Linux on Virtual PC, make a folder with the data you want in, then make an .iso of the data on the host OS:

% hdiutil makehybrid -o iso-name folder-name/

then capture the resulting CD image in the Drives / Capture CD Image... menu in Virtual PC, then:

% mount /cdrom

to get a read-only folder for your data.

I haven't yet figured out how to transfer from Linux to the host OS yet, which is a bit maddening since network file transfer to a third party and then back appears to be the only viable alternative. Maybe this 'Mount floppy drive image' option could be exploited...

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