It's About What Now? - thursday 2006-12-14 1832 last modified 2006-12-14 1832
Categories: Linux
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I would like to point out that this is total crap, Linux does not give you good tools for simulating a 'mouse jiggle,' nor is there reasonable documentation on doing so. My journey down that road left me with the impression that there was possibly some protocol for writing to /dev/mouse that might move the mouse around, but I never found out what that protocol might be.

To disable the power saving feature is equally opaque, but here you go (substitute display address where appropriate):

/usr/X11R6/bin/xset -display :0.0 s off
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset -display :0.0 s noblank


Wake up mouse

Pass something to the mouse to wake up the display if its asleep

echo Hello there mousey. > /dev/mouse
echo Hello there mousey. > /dev/mouse
sleep 5
echo Hello there mousey. > /dev/mouse

Joseph Oldendick on January 02, 2007 12:46 AM

Re: Wake up mouse

This was a facetious post... To assess your solution more seriously, I had problems dumping random characters at /dev/mouse because it would make the mouse undertake unpredictable actions - the problem being that there's no discernible documentation for what you're supposed to pass to /dev/mouse for just a move instead of a bunch of right clicking.

Ryan Lee on January 02, 2007 12:50 AM

cat /dev/mouse >/tmp/tickle.log ?

I wonder if this would work

cat /dev/mouse >/tmp/tickle.log& Keep that running for 2 hours while using the computer and then cat /tmp/tickle.log > /dev/mouse While watching the movie

of course the pointer would be moving around the whole time, but shouldn't you be able to hide this?

Wondering if you came up with another solution by now.

Came over this post looking to see if a whole lab of computers could control one pointer using dd over the network

Paul St. Denis on July 30, 2008 11:19 PM

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