Final Spam Notes - wednesday 2007-01-10 0441 last modified 2007-01-10 2339
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This will conclude the spam notes for the year. I neglected to mention a rather serious departure in my spam corpus, namely that a very significant portion of it is coming through my web comment form. In the past, I only got a few in a month; it now comprises probably half of the spam SpamAssassin catches, and probably half of all the ham I need to rescue. I may opt to lower accessibility of the comment form to keep out the dregs. I apologize in advance; the anonymous commenting thing just doesn't work right now.

Edit: I realized there was a simple way to count the comment spam, as I made a change back in August to help. September saw 72, it roughly doubled every month since. Also, I only had to pull out 3 ham comments.

Lastly, a cumulative weekly graph of all spam counts since late 2004 and ending last week, with counts as I introduced them (Thunderbird started with 2005, Manual with 2006):

Cumulative spam counts linear graph from end of 2004 to beginning of 2006

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