Ravi's Baby - monday 2002-10-07 0314 last modified 2006-01-29 0220
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My friends from ArsDigita are parents now. Congratulations :) You don't get any good glimpses of Guneet, some ugly shots of Ravi, and a whole passel of photos of their newborn son, Angad.

I'm writing my own alarm clock. Pray tell, if you hit play on any given playback device while it's paused, it plays, does it not? So why does my software alarm clock not play when it's told to at 9:30 in the morning when I've accidentally pasued it the night before? Foolishness. I'm calling mine "3PM" (it will play MP3's) and writing it in Java. By the way, it's the Musicmatch Jukebox which is so fatally poor at understanding pause/play interactions.

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