Newswire, Jul 27 06:23AM

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Raw Thought (from Aaron Swartz)"capture what you experience and sort it out; only in this way can you hope to use it to guide and test your reflection, and in the process shape yourself as an intellectual craftsman" -- C. Wright Mills
manage - feed - updated: Feb 04 09:31PM

WelcomeAmanda_chan's Xanga Blog

i am Anthony dot combananasavant's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 10:23PM

BlogosGod's Word | our words | meaning, communication, & technology | following Jesus, the Word made flesh
manage - feed - updated: Apr 19 12:10PM

bwangiaLogbwangiaLog -
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Byscuits & DavyThe personal weblog, photo albums, and writings of Dave Gandy.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 13 05:47AM

swords - insects - frustrations - funnies - art - amber - more swordschosetec's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 10:23PM

clieu's Xanga siteclieu's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

clieu's XangaLatest Xanga weblog from clieu
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Cox & Forkum
manage - feed - updated: Feb 01 09:49PM

CSS Vault GalleryThe Gallery section of the CSS Vault. All the pretty CSS sites the eye can see.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

dpark's thoughtsbecause all the cool people blog.
manage - feed - updated: Jun 13 03:48PM

Decentralized Information Group (DIG) Breadcrumbs -
manage - feed - updated: Jul 23 03:53PM

Doc Searls WeblogSame old blog, brand new place
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Incoherent Contradictionsdrnknmstr's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 07:14AM

ejlim's XangaLatest Xanga weblog from ejlim
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:22PM
manage - feed - updated: Feb 11 07:25PM

IDEAS IN FOODImprovisation and experimentation in the kitchen by Chefs Aki Kamozawa and H. Alexander Talbot.
manage - feed - updated: Jan 19 10:35PM

not a bloggerjlchen519's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

KALIBER10000The 20 latest newsposts from your favourite design playground, KALIBER10000.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 05:20PM

Lessig BlogLessig's blog.
manage - feed - updated: Jun 24 09:38PM

macgngsta's Xanga sitemacgngsta's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Marilyn's Xanga Sitewongmc's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

elevation99's Xanga siteelevation99's Xanga Blog The Motley FoolToday's top headlines from The Motley Fool
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

mozillaZineYour source for daily Mozilla news, advocacy, interviews, builds, and more!
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Netflix New Releases This WeekNew movies at Netflix this week
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

The Big NoobThe Big Noob Feed
manage - feed - updated: May 10 02:51AM

O'Reilly Network ONJava.comO'Reilly Network's source for Java developer news and information. O'Reilly Network's ONJava site offers comprehensive and enterprise Java, JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, EJB, JDBC, XML, JXTA and more java development information and resources including original feature articles, tutorials, java api map, news and commentary.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM RSS feed
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Pepys' DiaryEvery day an entry of Samuel Pepys’ 17th century London diary.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Planet RDFIt's triples all the way down
manage - feed - updated: Jan 09 05:11PM

Bug Report
manage - feed - updated: Sep 07 05:55PM

Sushi_Bebe's SasHImi hoUSeSushi_Bebe's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

Ryan's JournalRyan blathers incessantly
manage - feed - updated: Feb 14 08:23PM

SandroSandro -
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

The greatest love that anyone could ever knowshinday's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

Mooooo....womo531's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

thoughts. opinions. happenings. they call me 누나."Run in such a way as to get the prize." -1 Corinthians 9:24
manage - feed - updated: Jan 21 02:10PM

Star Wars - The Official SiteThe official Star Wars website.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 04:19PM

Dan Rubin's SuperfluousBanterSuffering from chronic idiocy since 1977
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 04:19PM

Technology Review Feed - Tech Review Top StoriesTechnology Review exists to promote the understanding of emerging technologies and their impact.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:16AM

TheForce.NetYour Daily Dose of Star Wars
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

The Smoking GunThe Official TSG RSS Feed
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 11:16AM

ongoingOngoing fragmented essay by Tim Bray.
manage - feed - updated: Jul 06 10:47AM

VentureBlogA Random Walk Down Sand Hill Road
manage - feed - updated: Feb 16 04:52PM

Web Standards Project BUZZThe Buzz: the Web Standards Project Weblog. Fighting for standards that ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
manage - feed - updated: Jan 31 12:20AM Word of the DayA new word is presented every day with its definition and example sentences from actual published works.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Year 23"I know nothing with any certainty but that the sight of stars makes me dream" ~ van gogh
manage - feed - updated: Jan 04 08:09PM

Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily ReportWeb design news and insights since 1995
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Ars Technica
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Christian Science Monitor | Top StoriesRead the front page stories of
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Moreover Technologies - CNETCNET - more than 340 categories of real-time RSS news feeds
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM delivers up-to-the-minute news and information on the latest top stories, weather, entertainment, politics and more.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

CNN: WorldReal time updated news from the first worldwide TV channel specialized in world information (By - FOR PERSONAL AND NON COMMERCIAL USE ONLY!)
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:22PM

kuro5hin.orgtechnology and culture, from the trenches
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

ofben's XangaSorry, ofben has chosen not to publish an RSS feed. Please visit their Xanga site here:
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Plastic: Most RecentPolitics, Culture, Point Of View
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

SlashdotNews for nerds, stuff that matters
manage - feed - updated: Oct 17 11:51PM

Wired: Top StoriesThe best of, as it happens.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Pentecostal TabernacleWhere everybody is somebody and Jesus Christ is Lord!
manage - feed - updated: Feb 16 09:48AM

World Wide Web ConsortiumLeading the Web to Its Full Potential...
manage - feed - updated: Feb 14 11:26PM

A List ApartA List Apart Issue 252
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Bible in a YearRead through the entire Bible in one year on this schedule; set ?version= and ?language= in the feed URI to switch versions and languages.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Boing Boing
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 07:14AM

ratbox: previously blogA typical sporadic weblog. With or without chunks.
manage - feed - updated: Oct 11 05:33AM

Photos from Chosetec
manage - feed - updated: Feb 07 07:16AM

Christianity Today MagazineNews and analysis from the world's leading Christian magazine.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

400 Bad Request
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Cooking For EngineersHave an analytical mind? Like to cook? This is the site to read!
manage - feed - updated: Jul 09 09:55PM

Creative Commons CC NewsShare, reuse, and remix — legally.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 04:19PM

css Zen GardenA demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. This feed announces the past 8 new entries.
manage - feed - updated: Nov 21 07:44PM Mail ArchivesThis is the RDF Data Access Working Group mailing list. Please keep traffic relevent to working group business
manage - feed - updated: Sep 06 05:35AM

Digital Web: What's New
manage - feed - updated: Sep 05 10:30PM

StopdesignA collection of creative work and thinking capturing my view as a designer and world problem solver.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Emily Yan's CornerI know maybe my life isn't the most interesting, but just pity me, neh? ;)

ejlim's Xanga Siteejlim's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

FlickrBlogNews, offsite status and great photos daily.
manage - feed - updated: Jun 08 08:13AM

The Google Weblognew google news fast
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 07:21PM

joyce's chalkboardjoycelin's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

julsjuls's Xanga Sitejulsjuls's Xanga Blog

Just be limberrrrrkarrot's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 10:16AM

maboyden's Xanga sitemaboyden's Xanga Blog

MAKE MagazineMAKE is a quarterly publication from O'Reilly for those who just can't stop tinkering, disassembling, re-creating, and inventing cool new uses for the technology in our lives. It's the first do-it-yourself magazine dedicated to the incorrigible and chronically incurable technology enthusiast in all of us. MAKE celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend technology any way you want.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

Megatokyo ComicsNews and Comics from Megatokyo.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 02:18PM

MIT Campus NewsCampus news headlines from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology News Office.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 13 10:09PM

" - 20 most recent trailers"Do you know what's coming?
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

LOVEmyssbond's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Clay Shirky's Essays Clay Shirky's Essays

Official Google Blog
manage - feed - updated: Oct 07 01:23PM

The Chandler Project Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Penny ArcadeComics for gamers
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

Philip Greenspun's WeblogA posting every day; an interesting idea every three months...
manage - feed - updated: Oct 13 05:24PM

Taegan Goddard's Political Wire
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 10:16AM

Reason Magazine - Hit & Run
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Sam RubyIt's just data
manage - feed - updated: Jan 30 07:14PM

SecurityFocus VulnerabilitiesSecurityFocus is the most comprehensive and trusted source of security information on the Internet. We are a vendor-neutral site that provides objective, timely and comprehensive security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 10:23PM

The SIMILE BlogBlogging about the SIMILE Project
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

So sue meJon Lech Johansen's blog
manage - feed - updated: Jun 12 11:15PM

spideyblue's Xanga sitespideyblue's Xanga Blog

steflounder's Xanga sitesteflounder's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 06:14AM

tealdeer.nettoo long; didn't read
manage - feed - updated: Jan 31 08:34PM

The Escapist : Featured Articles
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 08:15AM

The Housing Bubble 2Examining the home price boom and its effect on owners, lenders, regulators, realtors and the economy as a whole.
manage - feed - updated: Jan 04 08:08PM

Thoughts From EricThings that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture, politics, personal observations, and other miscellaneous stuff
manage - feed - updated: Feb 14 08:23PM

tJoY0103's XangaLatest Xanga weblog from tJoY0103
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 09:23PM

Virtual Threads
manage - feed - updated: Jan 17 08:15AM

Web Standards Awards
manage - feed - updated: Apr 29 05:43AM

World Wide Words newsletterThe World Wide Words newsletter discusses word histories, new words, the background to words in the news and problems of English usage. Some items are added to the Web site seven days after they appear here.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 16 09:48AM

yopenguinPeace Corps!
manage - feed - updated: Mar 05 09:23PM

AdvogatoRecent Advogato articles
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

BBC News | News Front Page | UK EditionVisit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Also entertainment, business, science, technology and health news.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Christian Science Monitor | World
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

CNET News.comTech news and business reports by CNET Focused on information technology, core topics include computers, hardware, software, networking, and Internet media.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

CNN: USReal time updated news from the first worldwide TV channel specialized in world information (By - FOR PERSONAL AND NON COMMERCIAL USE ONLY!)
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

GetReligion"The press . . . just doesn't get religion." -- William Schneider
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 11:24PM

Linux TodayLinux Today News Service
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

ofben's Xanga siteofben's Xanga Blog
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

Scripting NewsDave Winer's weblog, started in April 1997, bootstrapped the blogging revolution.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 18 11:24PM

TechdirtEasily digestible tech news...
manage - feed - updated: Feb 19 12:24AM

US-CERT Technical Cyber Security AlertsUS-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alerts provide timely information about current security issues, vulnerabilities, and exploits.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 17 08:00AM

Team FortyBehind the scenes with the crew at Forty, a Phoenix, Arizona marketing agency.
manage - feed - updated: Feb 12 02:35PM