If you were to log in, you'd be able to get more information on your fellow community member.
can you make it ...
can you make it feed you the updated comments also? or am i just randomly blabbing along because i have no clue what rss is.
-- (January 11, 2003) on wednesday 2003-01-08 0602
i think i need o...
i think i need one of those knowledge management systems. preferably in php and mysql. know where i can find it?
-- (October 7, 2002) on sunday 2002-10-06 0109
The Lord of the ...
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, when Sam asks Frodo why they're following Strider - "We have no other choice." Say what? Like you can't ditch the dirt-covered ranger and find a less shady guide?"
i think that you have to remember that the hobbits have never been out of hobbiton and i think that the first inclination is usually to stick with the person that has already helped you out. so it is reasonable that they say there is no other choice, because they KNOW of no other choice.
-- (August 13, 2002) on sunday 2002-08-04 0408
it feels wierd r...
it feels wierd reading about my sister..haha
-- (June 16, 2002) on thursday 2002-06-13 0039