Introducing Spamness - friday 2007-04-13 0515 last modified 2007-04-19 1646
Categories: Nerdy
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Spamness is a Thunderbird 2.0RC1 compatible extension that reads SpamAssassin scoring and presents it in a visually comprehensive manner in your message listing.

Instead of viewing message source to look at the spam scoring to see how spam-like (or not) an individual message is, you can see several at a time and view each score individually in the new column Spamness adds.

Currently I re-normalize all scores relative to the spam threshold score, then bucket the natural log of an adjusted score (to avoid infinite results) so that the most offensive spam gets a big, solid visual, and the most indeterminate mails get small, indistinct visuals. I'm not positive that's mathematically sound, even for just showing a couple pretty circles.

Read the Spamness page for more on its use. A brief caveat: Spamness takes advantage the new customDBHeaders and customHeaders preference settings; you may already do so as well. I'm not sure what happens when they collide. I may try to do some other damage control later to insure the extension avoids quashing user preferences.

Feedback is requested and welcomed.

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Ryan's Journal: ManualJunkAction

Excerpt: ... Ryan's Journal RaynDrop : Ryan's Journal [ RSS Feed | All Entries | Previous Entry | Current Entries ] ManualJunkAction - wednesday 2007-04-18 0053 last modified 20...

Ryan's Journal: ManualJunkAction on April 18, 2007 12:53 AM [pingback]